Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 62 - Pasta and Meatballs


Ok, today's theme is...Dinosaurs! I love dinosaurs. They are the coolest things in the world. If you don't agree, then you're a quite weird.

Anyway, I got a request to talk less about the ingredients in my recipes and more about the skills that I learn. I think thats a bit too much about me, but of course I will acquiesce to the request.

The skills I've learned since I've started this blog contribute often to things I make.
The first time we used dried herbs, I learned that with dried herbs you crush them. I did that tonight with dried rosemary. My knife skillage is mammothly amazing and I now know how to smash stuff with a pan, but tonight I used a tenderizer to smash the crackers for the meatballs.

I also now know how to improvise, like tonight when I printed off this recipe, I didn't print all of it so I make my own sauce. I know I can do that, now.

Now to make this beastin' recipe of meatballs, you put beef and pork in a bowl. Next you crush crackers and add it to the bowl and add dijon mustard and rosemary and oregano. Then you mix with your hands.

You roll them into balls and cook them in a frying pan.

Then you cook pasta. Quinoa, of course.

For the sauce, you put in chopped onion and garlic, then add it to the small sauce pan. After it's golden, add diced tomato and cook it. After a couple minutes you add a bunch leaves of basil to it. Next, you plate it--or bowl it--in this case.

489 thumbs up

Now, today I typed my own post (no dictating, but mom did edit) so BE PROUD--or no. I am. Now, since I just realized I didn't talk about dinosaurs tonight, I will save the dinosaur theme for tomorrow. Exciting...

Thank you and good night.


  1. Ah...yes, I can tell your mother edited. She loves to use -----'s.
    The meatballs look great. Oh-Jamie named his boy Bear.

  2. Hi Sophie, Jared and family!

    You are always saying you want to know who is reading your blog, well I am!! I love it, well done chicos! In fact, we are reading your blog all the way from Oaxaca, Mexico where we live. . .

    We love Jamie Oliver too and often watch the Naked Chef series on DVD. . .I am inspired by your commitment to healthy cooking and eating, and I really love that your writing has a good sense of humor, makes reading it all that more fun. Keep it up for yourselves and for all the people that you will inspire to make a healthy change in their own lives:)))

    We have a blog too which is way out of date (like 2 years) but we are turning it into a website and we want to interview you! It is a collection of interviews, stories, etc. about those who pursue their passions in this big world we live in. I think you both can move mountains:) So maybe you will agree and we can set that up one day in the future (like in the next few months).

    For now, keep up the excellent work. I look forward to reading your posts. My favorite so far was the hard boiled egg post Sophie:) You might not have done it right but somehow you made it work, that is impressive;)

    Un abrazo desde Oaxaca,

    Jenny Pavich

  3. Jenny, thanks for reading! That's really cool that you're reading from Mexico. The kids would love to be interviewed! What's your website?
